Tuesday, October 27, 2015


So yesterday I got for the first time in I don't even know how long a shock to my system. You know... that shock when you look into someone else's eyes and felt that kick. The feeling like your body is there but you are miles away. Well, after that someone left my office I felt like my brain took vacation, my concentration left the building and I was left all alone to try and get the rest of the work hours done. I got contracts to translate, calls to make, bills to pay and a lot of other stuff to do but my brain didn't want to cooperate.

Finally, later that evening my friend and I met and went for a coffee and talk (we didn't saw each other for a long time). I told her about the guy and how I acted like complete "don't have a word" and how I'm totally confused because I didn't felt like that for over 9 years. After our coffee I took a walk home and think about everything that happened. Then I dreamed him and I was really pissed when my alarm woke me at 7am.

I decided to send him a message and ask him out. After little banter with my two really great (could say BFs) friends I finally got enough courage and send that message. Got answer when I got home around 7pm. He's happily married (joke is he didn't have the ring day before, bcs if he had one there's no way in hell that I would send him that message) but he doesn't wear a ring.

It's ok. It's fine. I'm glad. But please, for the rest of us that don't read minds if you are married wear that goddamn ring so that we don't put our hopes up and don't step on your wife's toes when we ask you out.

Why not wear ring? When I was engaged that ring was my shield against unwonted attention. That ring had very special meaning to me. And one day when I get married I'll wear that ring and be proud that I have it. I didn't express myself right but right now I'm confused as hell and I'm trying to find a reason why not to wear your wedding band/ring whatever you call it.

that's all from me today. till next time when I'll be reunited with my brain and concentration.


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